Crews, S. & Lennox, P. S. (2020). Boxing and Performance: Memetic Hauntings. Routledge.
Williams, R. (2020). Theme Park Fandom: Spatial Transmedia, Materiality, and Participatory Cultures. (Transmedia). Amsterdam University Press.
Williams, S. M. (2020). Theatr y Gymraes: Byth Rhy Hwyr, Mefus, Mab. Cardiff: Honno.
Barnard, L. (2019). The Canary and the Hammer. MACK.
McElroy, R. & Noonan, C. (2019). Producing British Television Drama: Local Production in a Global Era. (Pivot). Palgrave MacMillan.
D'Arcy, G. (2018). Critical Approaches to TV and Film Set Design. Taylor & Francis.
Lewis, L. (2018). Performing Wales: People, Memory and Place. University of Wales Press.
Carr, P. (2017). Sting: From Northern Skies to Fields of Gold. Reaktion Books.
Durden, M. & Campbell, D. (2016) Double Act: Art and Comedy. Liverpool: Lawn Creative.
Hand, R. & Wilson, M. (2016). Performing Grand-Guignol: Playing the Theatre of Horror. University of Exeter Press.
Papagiannouli, C. (2016). Political Cyberformance: The Etheatre Project. (Pivot). Palgrave MacMillan.
Barnard, L. (2015). Hyenas of the Battlefield, Machines in the Garden. GOST Books.
Williams, R. (2015). Post-Object Fandom: Television, Identity and Self-Narrative. Bloomsbury.
Durden, M. (2014). Photography Today: A History of Contemporary Photography. Phaidon.
Jachimiak, P. H. (2014). Remembering the Cultural Geographies of a Childhood Home. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Hand, R. (2014). Listen in Terror: British Horror Radio from the Advent of Broadcasting to the Digital Age. Manchester University Press.
Hand, R., & Purssell, A. (2014). Adapting Graham Greene. Palgrave.
Carr, P. (2020). The Lost and Found Musical History of Merthyr Tydfil, Popular Music History Special Edition, edited by Paul Carr.
Moore, A. & Carr, P. (Eds.) (2020). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rock Music Research. (1st ed.) (Bloomsbury Handbooks). Bloomsbury Academic.
Minier, M. & Pennacchia, M. (Eds.) (2019). Shakespeare and Tourism: Place, Memory, Participation. (Ricerca e didattica Monografie). Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.
Papagiannouli, C., Scott, J. & Woycicki, P. (Eds.) (2020), Inclusive Intermedialities, including co-written Editorial and sole written article 'Here we are sitting in a room waiting for Waiting for Brexit'. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, vol. 16, no. 2.
Sobol, D. J. (2020). Liars, Damn Liars, and Storytellers: New and Selected Essays on Traditional and Contemporary Storytelling. University of Tennessee Press.
Underwood-Lee, E. & Thimbleby, P. (Eds). (2019). Storytelling Self Society: Storytelling for Health. Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies. 15:1, 1-140. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Abrams, J. & Gough, R. (Eds.) (2018). On Taste, including co-written Editorial 'Menu Dégustation – We insist the entire table participates An introduction to On Taste' and sole written article 'Devouring Theatre: After Taste'. Performance Research, vol 22, no. 6.
Gough, R. (2018). Performance Research: On Reflection-Turning 100, 23(4-5) - (WINNER OF TAPRA2019 EDITING PRIZE), including curation/editing, editorial ‘On Relflection: An Introduction’ (pp. 1–5) and concluding essay ‘Journal Bound’ (pp.474–498):
Laudando, C. M. & Minier, M., (Eds.) (2018). , Co-edited special issue of journal Textus – English Studies in Italy on ‘Performing Narratives Across Media’, 2018, including Minier, M. (2018). Adapting 'Real-life' Material: Metatheatrical Configurations of Authorship and Ownership of Story in Contemporary British Verbatim Theatre. Textus: English Studies in Italy, 2018(2), 23-40. DOI: 10.7370/91005.
Williams, R. (Ed.) (2018). Everybody Hurts: Transitions, Endings, and Resurrections in Fan Cultures . University of Iowa.
Minier, M. & Kahn, L. (Eds.) (2017). Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 16 (31), including Minier, M. (2017), 'Questioning the 'of' in Performance-as-translation: Multimedia as a Subtext in the 2003 Pécs Performance ‘of’ Hamlet.' Multicultural Shakespeare - Translation, Appropriation and Performance, vol 16, no. 1. DOI: 10.1515/mstap-2017-0015, 10.1515/mstap-2017-0021.
Underwood-Lee, E. & Šimić, L. (2017) 'Editorship, Editorial and Article in a Special Issue of Performance Research 'On the Maternal' Performance Research, vol 22, no. 4.
McElroy, R. (Ed.) (2016). Contemporary British Television Crime Drama: Cops on the Box. (Routledge Advances in Television Studies). Routledge.
McElroy, R. (2016), Guest editor and introduction, 'Television Production in Small Nations’, Journal of Popular Television 4 (1), pp.69-73.
Underwood-Lee, E. (with Lena Simic) (2016) Live Art and Motherhood: A Study Room Guide on Live Art and the Maternal London: Live Art Development Agency, London: LADA.
Richard Gough (Ed.) (2014), On Ice. Performance Research.
Minier, M., & Pennacchia, M. (Eds.) (2014). Adaptation, Intermediality and the British Celebrity Biopic. Routledge.
Lewis, L. (2021). ‘Performing in the Tightrope: Sacred Place, Embodied Knowledge and the Conflicted History of Colonial Modernity in the Welsh and Khasi Relationship’ in S. Battista (ed.) The Performances of Sacred Places: Crossing, Breathing, Resisting. Intellect.
Carr, P. (2020). Rock Music Pedagogy in the UK and US: Ignorance or Elitism. In A. Moore, & P. Carr (Eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook of Rock Music Research Bloomsbury Academic.
Durden, M. (2020) 'Rethinking Tracey Emin: Life into Art' in Alexandra Kokoli and Deborah Cherry (eds.) Tracey Emin: Life into Art, Bloomsbury.
Durden, M. with Campbell, D. (2020) 'Spectacle and Anti‐spectacle: American Art Photography and Consumer Culture' in Stephen Bull (ed.) A Companion to Photography, WILEY Blackwell.
Patrickson B. (2020), ‘Free to Roam? Pokémon GO and Childhood Anxieties’, in Discourses of Anxiety over Childhood and Youth across Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan.
Williams, R. M. (2019). Côf, corff a chapel. In E. G. Matthews (Ed.), Astudiaethau Athronyddol 7: Llenydda, Gwleidydda a Pherfformio (Astudiaethau Athronyddol). Y Lolfa.
Jachimiak, P. (2020). 'Curious Roots & Crafts': Record Shops and Record Labels amid the British Reggae Diaspora. In W. L. Henry, & M. Worley (Eds.), Narratives from Beyond the UK Reggae Bassline: The System is Sound (pp. 209-232). (Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music). Palgrave MacMillan.
Minchella, D. (2020). Sliding Scales and Slippery Slopes: Representations of Autonomy and Mediation in the 'Radial Mainstream' of UK-Based Pop/Rock. In A. Moore, & P. Carr (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rock (1st ed.). Bloomsbury Academic.
Rios Oyola, S. M., & Acaron, T. (2020). Peacebuilding and Dance in Afro-Colombian Funerary Ritual. In J. Mitchell, G. Vincett, T. Hawksley, & H. Culbertson (Eds.), Peacebuilding and the Arts (pp. 395-413). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Gough, R. & Arias, L. (2019). 'Rain (Rain, Rein, Reign) in Theatre: In Dialogue with Lola Arias'. In J. Graham-Jones (Ed.), Lola Arias: Re-Enacting Life (pp. 308-330). Aberystwyth, Wales, UK: Performance Research Books.
Perrins, D. (2019). The Cinema Has Two Tongues: The Cinema Cultures of Wales . In J. Hill (Ed.), A Companion to British and Irish Cinema (pp. 510-531). (Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinema ). Wiley-Blackwell.
Underwood-Lee, E., Šimić, L. & Epp Buller, R. (2019). 'The Body in Letters: Once Again, Through Time and Space'. In R. Epp Buller, & C. Reeve (Eds.), Inappropriate Bodies: Art, Design, and Maternity. Bradford (CA): Demeter.
Williams, R. (2019). “Putting the show out of its misery”: Textual endings, anti-fandom and the ‘rejection discourse'. In M. Click (Ed.), Anti-Fandom : Dislike and Hate in the Digital Age (pp. 315-322). New York University Press.
McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. (2018) ‘Public Service Media and Digital Innovation: The Small Nation Experience’ in Van Den Bulk, H., Donders, K., and Lowe, G. F. (eds.) Public Service Media and the Network Society, Nordicom, pp. 159–174.
Perrins, D., & Perez , M. (2018). The Funny Others on our Screens: Stereotype, self-loathing and resistance in the audiovisual representation of Wales and Galicia. In X. Paya , & L. Saez (Eds.), National Identities at the Crossroads : Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula (pp. 166- 181). Francis Boutle Publishers.
Underwood-Lee, E. & Šimić, L. (2018). ‘Returning to Ourselves: Medea/Mothers’. In E. Marchevska, & V. Walkerdine (Eds.), Maternal Structures in Art: Intergenerational Discussions on Motherhood and Creative Work. Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Underwood-Lee, E. (2018). 'Blooming flowers and stony stares: negotiating identity through story'. In C. Willison (Ed.), All the better to Hear You With: An Introduction to Storytelling. Stroud: The History Press.
Williams, R. (2018). Fan pilgrimage & tourism. In M. Click, & S. Scott (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom (pp. 98-106). (Routledge Companions). Routledge.
Papagiannouli, C. (2017), 'Internet, Theatre and the Public Voice'. In A. Breed & T. Prentki (eds), Performance and Civic Engagement. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 187-203. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66517-7_11.
Ramsden, H., Milling, J., & Simpson, R. (2017). Understanding grassroots arts groups and practices in communities. In A. McCabe, & J. Phillimore (Eds.), Community Groups in Context: Local activities and actions (Third Sector Research Series). Policy Press
Sobol, D.J. & Zalka, C.V. (2017) 'Storytelling (Fairy Tales in Contemporary American and European Storytelling Performance)'. in P Greenhill, JT Rudy, N Hamer & L Bosc (eds), The Routledge Companion to Media and Fairy-Tale Cultures. 5031-1498-PV-068.indd, Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions, Routledge, pp. 607-615.
Underwood-Lee, E. (2017). Titillation. In A. Bleakley, L. Lynch, & G. Whelan (Eds.), Risk and Regulation at the Interface of the Arts and Medicine: Dangerous Currents (pp. 91-97). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ayisi, F. (2016) ‘Making Waves on International Women’s Day: Cameroonian Women’s Dynamism’ in Marion Arnold and Marsha Meskimmon (eds.) Home/Land: Women Citizenship, Photographies, Liverpool University.
Carr, P. (2016). 'An Analysis of Virtuality in the Creation and Reception of the Music of Frank Zappa'. In S. Whitely, & S. Rambarran (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality (pp. 81-94). (Oxford Handbooks). OUP Oxford.
Carr, P (2016). 'Final Thoughts on Musical Virtuality’. In S. Whitely and S. Ramarran (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality, The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality (pp. 613–625). (Oxford Handbooks). OUP Oxford.
McElroy, R. (2016). The Feminization of Contemporary British Television Drama: Sally Wainwright and Red Productions. In R. Moseley, H. Wheatley, & H. Wood (Eds.), Television for Women: New Directions Routledge.
McElroy, R. (2016) 'Minor Cinema’. In C. Molloy and Y. Tzioumakis (eds.) Routledge Companion to Film and Politics, London: Routledge.
Williams, R. (2016) Localebrities, adopted residents, and local characters: Audience and celebrity in a small nation, Celebrity Studies. Online First.
Williams, R. and R. McElroy (2016) ‘Omnisexuality And The City: Exploring national and sexual identity in BBC Wales’ Torchwood’. In H. Osborne (ed.) Queer Wales:The History, Culture and Politics of Queer Life in Wales, Lampeter: University of Wales Press.
Perrins, D. (2015). 'Arcadia in Absentia: Cinema, the Great Depression and the Problem of Industrial Wales'. In H. Chignell, I. Franklin, & K. Skoog (Eds.), Regional Aesthetics: Mapping Britain (pp. 35-54). London: Palgrave. DOI: 10.1057/9781137532831.
Smith, R. (2015). 'Wonderbrass' as a South Wales Community Jazz Collective. In T. Whyton, & N. Gebhardt (Eds.), The Cultural Politics of Jazz Collectives: This Is Our Music (Transnational Studies in Jazz) (pp. 157-176). [Chapter 9] (Transnational studies in Jazz). London and Chicago: Routledge.
Minier, M. (2014). 'Definitions, Dyads, Triads and Other Points of Connection in Translation and Adaptation Discourse'. In K. Krebs (Ed.), Translation and Adaptation in Theatre and Film (pp. 19-58). Routledge.
Ramsden, H. (2014), 'A Walk Around the Block: Creating Spaces for Everyday Encounters'. In T Shortell & E Brown (Eds.), Walking in the European City: Quotidian Mobility and Urban Ethnography. Ashgate Publishing, UK, pp. 225 - 243.
Davies, H. (2021). The role of minority language media in the construction of identity during middle childhood. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture.
Allinson, J. (2020). Transformative Connections: The Dynamics of Felt Resonance in Processes for Life-Story Performance. Research in Drama Education, 25(3), 378-389.
Durden, M. (2020) 'Exile, the weight of history, art and transcendence: Jannis Kounellis and Takis', Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 6(1). pp. 129-140
Cowan, P. (2020). Post-Carroll: Functional Elements of the Moving Image. Projections: The Journal for Movies and the Mind, 14(3), 72-89. [5].
Mason, W. (2020). Gwlad yr Asyn a'r golwg deublyg: diffinio'r ddrama ôl-drefedigaethol Gymreig . Gwerddon, (31), 31-58. [2].
Rendell, J. (2020). Staying In, Rocking Out: Online Live Music Portal Shows During the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. Convergence, 0(0), 1-20.
Crews, S., & Lennox, S. (2019). Boxing, Bourdieu and Butler: Repetitions of Change. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 40(2), 145-161.
Crews, S. & Papagiannouli, C. (2019). InstaStan - FaceBrook - Brecht+: A Performer Training Methodology for the Age of the Internet . Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 10(2), 187-204. DOI: 10.1080/19443927.2019.1613260.
Grainger, R., & Minier, M. (2019). A Paratextual Analysis of Nurturing Opera Audiences: Transmedia Practices, Interactivity and Historical Interpretation in the Welsh National Opera’s Promotion of the ‘Tudors Trilogy’ . Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 16(1), 30-53.
Lewis, L. (2019). O’r ddrama gymdeithasol i’r pasiant: theatr yn y gyfnewidfa ddiwylliannol rhwng Cymru a gogledd-ddwyrain India. Gwerddon, (29), 29-59.
McElroy, R., Papagiannouli, C., & Wiliam, H. (2019). Broadcasting after devolution: policy and critique in the Welsh media landscape 2008–2015. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(3), 377-391.
Rendell, J. (2019). A picture is worth a thousand corpses: Audiences’ affective engagement with In the Flesh and The Walking Dead through online image practices. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 16(2), 88-117.
Rendell, J. (2019). Black (anti)fandom's intersectional politicization of The Walking Dead as a transmedia franchise. Transformative Works and Cultures, 29.
Sobol, D. J. (2019). Adaptive Occasions: Synchronic Correlatives in Traditional Folktale Adaptations. Journal of American Folklore, 132(525), 310-325.
Sobol, D. J. (2019). Adaptive Occasions: Synchronic Correlatives in Traditional Folktale Adaptations. Journal of American Folklore, 132(525), 310-325.
Underwood-Lee, E. (2019). Storytelling Self Society: Storytelling for Health. Storytelling, Self, Society, 15(1), 1 - 12.
Acaron, T. (2018). Movement decision-making in violence prevention and peace practices. Journal of Peace Education, 15(2), 191-215.
Gough, R. (2018)'Devouring Theatre: After Taste' in a Special Issue of Performance Research 'On Taste'' Performance Research, vol 22, no. 6.
Gough, R. (2018) 'Future Proof (With Courage & Curiosity): Training for a Theatre That Does Not Yet Exist' Polish Theatre Journal.
McElroy, R., Nielsen, J. I., & Noonan, C. (2018). Small is beautiful? The salience of scale and power to three European cultures of TV Production. Critical Studies in Television, 13(2), 169-187. DOI: 10.1177/1749602018763566.
Patrickson, B. (2018). Movable Text: Reconfiguring Gutenberg. Convergence, 24(5), 443-457.
Rendell, J. (2018). Bridge builders, world makers: Transcultural Studio Ghibli fan crafting. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, 4(1), 93-109.
Sobol, D. J. (2018). Special Issue: Long-Form Storytelling. Storytelling, Self, Society, 14(1), 1-146. [8].
Cowan, P. (2017) Analyzing Stylistic Patterning in Film to Establish the Cinematographer as a Coauthor: A Case Study of Gregg Toland, International Journal Projections, 11(1), pp. 16-37, DOI:
D'Arcy, G. (2017). 'Visibility brings with it responsibility': Using a Pragmatic Performance Approach to Explore a Political Philosophy of Technology. Performance Philosophy, 3(1), 178-198.
Durden, M. (with David Campbell) (2017) ‘Crisis Aesthetics: Documenta 14’, review article, Journal of Greek Media and Culture.
McElroy, R. (2017). Mediating home in an age of austerity: the values of British property television. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 20(5), 525-542.
Mitchell, P., & Stewart, J. (2017). Who are We? Language and impartiality in BBC radio journalism. Journalism Practice, 11(4), 417-437.
Sobol, D.J. (2017), '"The Next Last of the Breed": Dynastic Succession and Resistance in an Appalachian Storytelling Clan' Journal of Appalachian Studies, vol 23, no. 2, pp. 206-220. DOI: 10.5406/jappastud.23.2.0206.
Dennis, R. & Lewis, L. (2016), 'Diderot’s body and cognitive science: sensation, impulse and action in performer training' Studies in Theatre and Performance, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/14682761.2016.1269510
Lewis, L. & Sharma, A. (2016), 'Welsh and Khasi Cultural Dialogues: Transactions and translations' Performance Research, vol 21, no. 5, pp. 81-84. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2016.1223455.
McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. (2016), Television drama production in small nations: Mobilities in a changing ecology. Journal of Popular Television 4 (1), pp.109-127.
Minier, M. (2016) ’Interdisciplinary Considerations about a Subgenre of the Contemporary Biographical Drama: Celebrity and Fandom in Recent Adaptations of Famous Lives for the Stage’ Critical Stages 12 (Special Topics: Adaptation, ed. by Patrice Pavis), 2015.
Ramsden, H. (2016) ‘Walking & talking: making strange encounters within the familiar’ Social & Cultural Geograpy, 18(1), pp 53-77. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2016.1174284.
Cowan, F. (2015) The Democracy of Colour, Journal of Media Practice, 16(2), Routledge.
Minier, M (2015), 'Interdisciplinary Considerations about a Subgenre of the Contemporary Biographical Drama: Celebrity and Fandom in Recent Adaptations of Famous Lives for the Stage' Critical Stages/Scenes Critiques, no. 12.
Underwood-Lee, E. (2015) Bangers to Cancer: Social media, charity fundraising and objectification, Body Space Technology. Vol 14.
Wiblin, I. (2015), 'Photography, Performance, Ruin: Performing Photography in site of Architecture' Performance Research, vol 20, no. 3, pp. 126-134. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049046
Wiblin, I. (2015), 'Photography, Performance, Ruin: Performing Photography in site of Architecture' Performance Research, vol 20, no. 3, pp. 126-134. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049046.
Allinson, J. (2014), 'Training strategies for performance and landscape: resisting the late-capitalist metaphor of environment as consumable resource' Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, vol 5, no. 1, pp. 4-14. DOI: 10.1080/19443927.2014.881911.
Crews, S. (2014) 'If you cannot say it, point to it’: Part of the ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ Arts and Humanities in Higher Education Sage Journals.
D'Arcy, G. (2014). ‘Essentially, another man’s woman’: Information and Gender in the Novel and Adaptations of John le Carré’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Adaptation, 7(3), 275-290.
Minier, M. (2014) ‘Uprooting Shakespeare: A Historical Survey of Early to Institutionalised Hungarian Shakespeare Translation’. In J. Bzochova-Wild (Ed.) In double trust: Shakespeare in Central Europe (Bratislava, Slovakia: VSMU, 2014, pp. 29-51).
Carr, P. (2020) The Welsh Music Industries in a Post-Covid world. A report for the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee. Read the full report here.
Carr, P (2018) ‘International Best Practice in Music Performance Education Models and Associated Learning Outcomes for Wales', Welsh Government.
The Centre for Media and Culture in Small Nations (2018) Consultation Response: Terms of Reference, Ofcom’s Thematic review of Representation and Portrayal on the BBC, 28 March.
McElroy, R., Wiliam, H., Papagiannouli, C. and Davies, H. (2017) S4C in Context: A comparative overview, Report to DCMS Independent Review of S4C (2017-18) (Ymateb i Adolygiad Yr Adran Dros Ddiwylliant Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon o S4C), Published on DCMS website.
McElroy, R. Lewis, L. (2017) Response to DCMS PSB Contestable Fund Consultation, 14 February.
Institute of Welsh Affairs (2015), Wales Media Audit Report.Underwood-Lee, E., with James C., Reece, T., Rodriguez, A., Butler, E., James, B. & Davis, R. (2018) 40 Voices, 40 Years. Exhibition. St. Fagan’s National Museum of History, Welsh Assembly Pierhead Building.
Barnard, L. (2017) The War From Here, curated by Gordon Macdonald Krakow Photofestival with Martha Rosler, Nina Berman, Sophie Ristelheuber , Monica Haller.
Barnard, L. (2017) Ahead Still Lies Are Future, curated by Hester Keijser and Louise Clements with Lida Abdul, Lisa Barnard, Ursula Biemann, Kenta Cobayashi, Hannah Darabi, Sohrab Hura, Zhang Jungang, Wanuri Kahiu, Ester Vonplon and Sadie Wechsler.
Durden, M. with David Campbell (2017) The Laughable Enigma of Ordinary Life, Arquipelago Contemporary Arts Centre (São Miguel Island Azores).
Durden, M. with David Campbell and Ian Brown (2016) Common Culture Cabaret, MAC (Birmingham).
Durden, M. with David Campbell (curators) (2016) Double Act: Art and Comedy, Bluecoat (Liverpool) and MAC (Belfast).
Durden, M. with David Campbell and Ian Brown (2016) Nothing Happens, Twice: Artists Explore Absurdity, Harris Museum and Art Gallery Market Square (Preston).
Barnard, L. (2015) Lianzhou Foto Festival, Lianzhou, Southern China. Curated by François Cheval.
Lisa Lewis, Welsh and Khasi Cultural Dialogues/Performing Journeys (2019)
Christina Papagiannouli, Waiting for Brexit and Jeux de Massacre (2019). TaPRA Gallery 2019 & Network Music Festival 2020
Wyn Mason, Gwlad yr Asyn (2019)
Sera Moore Williams, Y Pethau Mud (2018)
Rhiannon Williams, Bregus (2018)
Hilary Ramsden, ‘Interruptions, Interventions, Interactions’, website (2014)
Rob Smith, Wonderbrass: Inclusive Musical Practice (2014)
Florence Ayisi, Les Hommes de Bronze du Cameroun / The Bronze Men of Cameroon (2020) [WINNER OF WEST AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL 2021]. Screenings: Twin City Black Film Festival (Oct 2020); Mosaic Film Festival of Arts and Culture (Nov 2020); Kwanzaa Film Festival (Dec. 2020; Watch-Africa Cymru (Feb 2021) West African Film Festival (Feb. 2021); Pan African Film & Arts Festival (Feb 2021); Festival International du Cinéma Indépendant de Bafoussam (Mar 2021) RapidLion - The South African International Film Festival (Apr 2021); Master of Art Film Festival (Apr 2021) Cameroon International Film Festival (April 2021) International Black and Diversity Film Festival (Jun 2021); The African Film Festival (Jun 2021); Luleå International Film Festival (Sep 2021); Boden International Film Festival (Apr 2021).
Florence Ayisi, Marie-Madeleine: Une Femme Chef de Village / Marie-Madeleine: A Female Chief (2018). Screenings: International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards; International Images Film Festival for Women; Wexford Documentary Film Festival; Silicon Valley African Film Festival; Twin Cities Black Film Festival; Cape Town International Film Market & Festival; Lake International Pan African Film Festival; Mama Afrika Film Festival; Cardiff International Film Festival; Africa International Film Festival; International Monthly Film Festival; Cascade Festival of African Films; Eko International Film Festival; Mashariki African Film Festival; Equality International Film Festival; Cincinnati African & Asian Diaspora Film Festival; Festival International du Cinéma Indépendant de Bafoussam; Watch-Africa: Wales African Film Festival; African Women Arts & Film Festival.
Ian Wiblin and Angela Kennedy, Four Parts of a Folding Screen. International Film Festival Rotterdam (2018)
Florence Ayisi and Catalin Brylla, Ndoto ya Mpira wa Miguu Zanzibar / Zanzibar Soccer Dreams (2016). Screenings: Florence Ayisi and Catalin Brylla (2016) Zanzibar Soccer Dreams screenings at the Zanzibar International Film festival (Jul 2016); Lisbon International Film Festival (Summer/Sep 2016); TrueDoc Documentary Festival (Ukraine, Sep 2016); Arusha African Film Festival (Oct 2016); Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series (New York, Oct 2016); Cambridge African Film Festival (Oct 2016); Watch Africa (Wales, Oct 2016) and African in Motion (Scotland, Oct/Nov 2016).
Ian Wiblin and Angela Kennedy, The View From My House (2013). Screenings: International Film Festival Rotterdam (2013); Galerie Collection Regard (2013); Zerstoerte Vielfalt Ausstellung (2013); Whitechapel Gallery (2014); Birkbeck Cinema (2014); Cambridge International Film Festival (2014); Liverpool International Photography Festival (2015); Dis/Placed (2015); Close Up Cinema (2016); ABCD Film Club Abingdon (2018); Sprengel Museum Hanover (2019); Four Corners, London (online screening); Another Eye: Women refugee Photographers in Britain after 1933 (2020).
For further information on Unit members' publications, exhibitions and creative works please see the here.