Iwan Bala: Custodial Aesthetics. Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis. Supervisors: Professor Mark Durden. Funder: University of South Wales
David Barnes: 'Small Stories’ – Photographer and community practice in Wales. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Professor Lisa Lewis
Julie Benson: Subverting the Female Ideal: An Investigation into the Construction of the Female Action Hero in Cross-Platform Narrative. Supervisors: Dr Márta Minier, Dr Deirdre Russell, Dr Jesse Schwenk
Martin Constantine: Acting and Directing Opera: Correlating Training towards Future Collaboration. Director of Studies: Professor Paul Carr. Supervisors: Dr Márta Minier, Dr Jodie Allinson
Denis Cryer-Lennon: Breathing through the text: The Role of Breathing Work in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Actor Training Shakespeare’s Text. Director of Studies: Dr Michael Carklin. Supervisors: Dr Márta Minier, Dr Jesse Schwenk
Emma Foley: The efficacy of therapeutic storytelling in breaking down barriers: A qualitative study into the experiences of parent carers of children with learning disabilities attending mainstream education (MA by Research). Director of Studies: Dr Jodie Allinson. Supervisors: Dr Emily Underwood-Lee, Dr Michael Carklin.
Alba Gimenez: Cinematic Paradoxes: Representation and Embodied Experience in Harun Farocki’s Late Work. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Eileen Little
Liane Hadley: Performance, Community Heritage and Story: Reconnecting with ourselves and the environment through performance in the light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis. Supervisor: Dr Márta Minier, Dr Rhiannon Williams
Faye Hannah: Talent Development in Welsh Screen Industries. Director of Studies: Professor Ruth McElroy. Supervisors: Dr Rebecca Williams, Dr Michael Carklin. Funder: University of South Wales
Edward (Ada) Jeffery: Fandom and Play: Auto-Ethnographic research into fan subcultures and the character of play within; cosplay, Live-Action-Role-play and fan culture with practice based research on whether play can be used to exercise political awareness in fan spaces. Director of Studies: Dr Rebecca Williams. Supervisors: Professor Lisa Lewis, Dr Michael Carklin
Sean Tuan John: Uglyism: Towards a new critical framework in the contemporary arts and dance. Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis. Supervisor: Dr Jodie Allinson
Lukasz Kubicki: Photography and Durational Relationships to the Landscape. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Dr Eileen Little
Edgar Martins: The Impossible Document: Photography, Absence and Trauma. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Lisa Barnard
James Milne: Hidden in Built Form: Imaging Unconsidered Landmarks. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Eileen Little
Les Monaghan: The Mute Subject: photographing regulated selves. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Lisa Barnard & Eileen Little
Elis Pari: Prosiect Iechyd Meddwl Ffermwyr Cymru: Cymuned a Pherfformiad (Welsh Farmers’ Mental Health Project: Community and Performance). Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis. Supervisors: Dr Rhiannon Williams, Dr Sêra Moore Williams. Funder: Pantyfedwen Trust.
Ana Catarina Pinho: Transformations of the Real: Photography in Contemporary Art. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Lisa Barnard
Patrick Quinn: Can games be used to tackle the causes of depression and other societal issues in relation to mental health? Director of Studies: Dr Brian Fagence. Supervisors: Corrado Morgana; Dr Thania Acarón
Rebecca Robinson: Trans* Representation in British Experimental Theatre. Director of Studies: Dr Sarah Crews. Supervisors: Dr Emily Underwood-Lee, Professor Lisa Lewis
Beverley Roblin: Staging a revolution: can theatre be an affective form of activism? Director of Studies: Dr Márta Minier. Supervisors: Dr Hilary Ramsden, Dr Michael Carklin
Ian Rowlands: A Dramatist’s Intent: Performativity, Relationality and Being. Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis; Supervisor: Dr Márta Minier
Nicol Ruddock-Davies: Animation adaptation and the effects of the creative process in relation to Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles. Director of Studies: Dr Márta Minier. Supervisor: Dr Brian Fagence
Sama: Face and Mask: Portraiture and Anonymity
Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisors: Dr Eileen Little; Dr Emily Underwood-Lee
Clémentine Schneidermann: Contemporary documentary practice and social engagement. Director of Studies: Professor Mark Durden. Supervisor: Lisa Barnard
Rosaria Sgueglia: Why do we buy Chanel? An analysis of the economic and cultural impact films, videos, TV, newspapers, magazines and material culture and photography have had on the Chanel brand. Director of Studies: Dr Rebecca Williams. Supervisors: Dr James Rendell, Dr Torunn Kjolberg
Leonie Sharrock: Touching Story: tactile process in the creation of animated narratives. Director of Studies: Professor Lisa Lewis. Supervisor: Dr Márta Minier
Joseph Sudlow: The Aural Representation of Reality in Animated Documentary Filmmaking. Director of Studies: Dr Brian Fagence. Supervisors: Dr Peter Hodges, Dr Philip Mitchell
Luke Thomas: Culture versus Economy: Popular Music Policy in Wales and Other Small Nations. Director of Studies: Professor Paul Carr. Supervisors: Dr Rob Smith, Professor Ruth McElroy. Funder: University of South Wales
Eleanor Thorpe: Queer Public Figures in Biopics. Director of Studies: Dr Geraint D’Arcy. Supervisor: Sarah Crews
Elizabeth Weir: Sharing Stories for a Better Future: five decades of building community through storytelling in Northern Ireland. Director of Studies: Professor Paul Carr. Supervisors: Professor Joseph Sobol; Dr Emily Underwood-Lee